Definition of Power user

1. Noun. (computing) a computer user who needs the fastest and most powerful computers available.

Category relationships: Computer Science, Computing
Generic synonyms: Computer User

Definition of Power user

1. Noun. (computing) A person who makes heavy use of computers, running many applications and doing complex work (as opposed to an ordinary user who tends to just run one application at a time and do simple work). ¹

2. Noun. (computing) A user of a personal computer who can utilize advanced and complex functions and programs which are outside the reach of normal users ¹

3. Noun. (computing) A computer user who seeks and uses products having the most features and the fastest performance. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Power User

power takeoff
power tap
power taps
power tool
power tools
power toothbrush
power toothbrushes
power tops
power train
power trains
power trip
power trips
power unit
power up
power user
power users
power vacuum
power walk
power walked
power walking
power walks
power wall
power walls
power word
power words
power worker

Literary usage of Power user

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Power by Charles Edward Lucke (1911)
"So constantly high is the efficiency of these engines for all types and sizes, that, in spite of higher investment costs, they offer to the small power user ..."

2. Transactions of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers by American Institute of Electrical Engineers (1913)
"steel tower transmission line having two three-phase circuits, maximum loss not to exceed about 6 per cent, as the power was purchased by the power user at ..."

3. South African Journal of Science by South African Association for the Advancement of Science (1907)
"(c) The Power Distributor must incur heavy capital outlay in dynamos and distributing mains, which the power- user, employing his own direct power plant, ..."

4. Electricity in Factories & Workshops, Its Cost and Convenience: A Handy Book by Arthur P. Haslam (1909)
"Needs of Small power user—Electric Motors v. Gas Engines—Comparison of Cost ... Speaking generally, the term small power user may be given to the person who ..."

5. Transactions of the International Electrical Congress, St. Louis, 1904 by International Electrical Congress (1905)
"In the Lancashire and Yorkshire districts, however, there is the general condition that condensing water is not available to the ordinary power user, ..."

6. Transactions of the International Electrical Congress, St. Louis, 1904 by International Electrical Congress (1905)
"In the Lancashire and Yorkshire districts, however, there is the general condition that condensing water is not available to the ordinary power user, ..."

7. Cassier's Magazine edited by [Anonymus AC02877163] (1908)
"Hence the rapid and pronounced development of large gas engines has attracted considerable attention from the textile power user. That such an economical ..."

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